HydroLatch (Flood Retention Basins)

The Challenge
Flood retention basins and polders are complex structures for flood protection. Technical flood protection consists of man-made structures. They again consist of technical equipment.
HRB / Polder at waters
- For the flooding of polders (fig. 1)
- For the flooding of polders (fig. 2)
HRB in mountains
- For the flooding of polders (fig. 3)
- For the retention of alluvial debris and rubble (fig. 4)
- For constant flow rates draining the FRB (fig. 5, 7)
HRB in urban areas
- For braking the flow (fig. 6)
- For setting overflow levels (fig. 1)
- For guiding amphibians(fig. 8)
Technical equipment has to be foresighted, safe and durable. Why design flood protection for a 100 year event when the technical equipment cannot survive the warranty period?
The Products
GNA CSO has been successfully supplying flood protection equipment for years. We help with engineering and don’t let you “go under“. Our technical equipment is made from stainless steel, solid, durable and also operates — whereever possible — without electricity, which means it can be installed far off. GNA CSO has three main points of focus in flood protection.
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