Hydro MESI Particle Separator

The advantages
- Small compact construction
- Minor head loss
- Can be retrofitted in canal network
- Low investment costs
- Low operational costs
- Low construction costs
- Modular, expandable system to meet local demands for stormwater treatment
- Variable design for ecological or economic limits
The system
Because of tight budgets in municipalities and cities, cost effective wastewater treatment is in demand. Tanks are improved through optimal inflow sedimentation and reduced by activating canal volume. Through de-sealing and infiltration of unpolluted surface water the tanks volume can be even further reduced.
The method
Tanks in combined and separate systems can increase their deposit capacity significantly through installations. Costs are saved. Scientific research from Chebbo 1995 shows that the greatest pollution of surface waters (parking areas, busy roads, industrial areas) occurs after stormwater and rain events. If this partial flow is treated, the largest pollution is treated. Depending on ecological and economic requirements, the water quantity to be treated is increased or decreased.
The solution
The HydroM.E.S.I. is a particle separator for the treatment of large water flows in the main channels. Because of its compact construction and low height loss, it can be retrofitted in existing canals. It has no hydraulic retention function. If required, the inflow can be distributed more evenly by means of the HydroStyx discharge brake. For the treatment of partial flows the HydroPass CSO Unit can be preswitched. The water to be treated flows though the sand and grit trap, reaches the separation chamber, flows through the lamellae from bottom to top, where floating and light solids accumulate on the surface, and flows to the outflow.
The HydroM.E.S.I. particle separator is designed so that the lamella structure inclines automatically and without external power to the required angle according to the fill level of the separator. The distance between the lamellae can also be changed. After the separator is emptied, the lamellae fall into vertical position and the detained sludge slides down into the sump.
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